The Nevada Association of Employers is currently collecting data for its 2019-2020 Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey.

All Nevada businesses are encouraged to participate. Businesses do not need to be a member of NAE to participate – but we encourage all Nevada businesses to join NAE to take advantage of all of the great benefits of membership, including receiving a free copy of the survey results as a participating member (up to a $400 savings).

Whether you are in the Reno/Sparks area, Las Vegas, Carson City, or Elko, your benefits and personnel practice data is important. It helps us determine what businesses throughout the state are offering their employees, which in turn helps businesses understand how to remain competitive in Nevada’s tight labor market.

The Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey collects information regarding the benefits and personnel practices of employers throughout the state of Nevada. We believe it provides the most comprehensive, reliable, and current information available. The survey covers 26 benefits and personnel practice categories, including work schedules, drug & alcohol testing, holidays, paid time off (PTO), health & welfare insurance, flexible benefits, severance, and more. Not all categories will apply to every business, but all businesses are encouraged to provide information for the categories that do apply. Additionally, this year we are collecting pay change information to better understand how pay increases are being distributed.

Beginning in 2017, the Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey questionnaire was moved 100% online. This allowed the survey to be completed and submitted online through our survey program with one click. No more completing a seemingly endless spreadsheet of data and submitting via email. We will be using the same online survey program for 2019 as well.

Simply click the link below to be directed to the survey questionnaire. It’s as easy as that. Instructions for completing the survey are on the landing page of the survey.

NAE treats all information received in the 2019-2020 Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey as strictly confidential. All data received will be compiled and reported in a composite manner whereby the information reported cannot be connected to any specific business or employer.

All survey data must be submitted no later than Friday, November 1, 2019.

Survey results will be made available in December 2019. Members who participate in the Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey receive a copy of the results for FREE. All others may purchase a copy of the results based on the fee schedule below.

For questions regarding the Benefits & Personnel Practices Survey, please contact us at or visit our website.