Did You Know?

5 Employment Laws that Differ Between Nevada and California

Employment laws can be tricky for employers to navigate. There’s not only the federal laws and regulations to contend with, but also the specific employment laws that pertain to the one’s particular state of operations. For businesses that operate across state lines, navigating employment laws can be even trickier, especially if the two states are […]


When was the last time you talked to your employees? Do you know if their performance is lacking because of a personal issue or because they don’t understand how their job aligns with the company mission? Did you know that most of them just want a simple thank you occasionally? Performance management does not happen […]


With an employee handbook you can communicate expectations for behavior, benefits, and working conditions. Without clear policies, an organization can struggle with enforcement of work performance standards. Because, without clear policies, how do employees know what is expected of them? In a recent unemployment hearing, a former employee (and unemployment claimant) was asked, “Did your […]


Did you know that the Nevada mask mandate is still in effect? We have started getting calls from employers wanting to know if they can lift the requirement to wear masks in the workplace. Unfortunately, the answer is no. In the Governor’s last press conference, he made it clear that the mask mandate would remain […]


Did you know that it is not permissible to deduct from an employee’s paycheck just because they agreed to something in the handbook? We get calls often about deducting from employees paychecks for a myriad of reasons. Unfortunately, in most cases, the employer is often at a loss because they don’t have the proper documentation […]


As if last year was not enough, we have started this year off with fun in the unemployment world. We have been seeing an increased number of calls about fraudulent unemployment claims again. Some are related to the 1099s that have been received in the mail. Some are because fraudulent claims are starting to get […]


Did you know that we have updated our training offerings? As we speak with employers in the community, it is interesting to see how often they mention that they have taken our training classes. For some, they still have notes from classes they took from us in the mid-1990’s. For others, they attend or send […]


Did you know that it is recommended to do a yearly I-9 audit? It is so important to do regular checks of your employee files and I-9s and this time of the year is the perfect time to do it. If you need assistance, NAE can help. Our team of experienced professionals can assist through […]


It is that time of year again, when last minute vacation requests appear, open enrollment is making us crazy, and file storage boxes line the hallway. Even in the midst of COVID, day to day HR functions do not stop. It is the season of cleaning out file folders, storing employee files, and preparing for […]


A burning question for many employers has been, what will my unemployment rate be next year? There has been concern about the handling of the claims so far this year. We have seen the overwhelming surge on the news, heard friends and family discussing it, or even experienced it firsthand. The unemployment office has struggled […]

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