It’s an election year, and that can bring out the best – and sometimes the worst – in people. In the business world, the people getting the most passionate about elections may likely be your employees who may insist on having discourse on the latest debate. On the other hand, some of your other employees may […]
As employers, knowing which types of behavior count as types of harassment in the workplace may be one of the most important pieces of information that you have in your toolbox. Did you know that actionable claims are not just limited to business hours or the worksite? There are quite a few misconceptions when it […]
We’ve been stressing this for awhile, but now more than ever, it is extremely important to review your Employee Handbook. When was the last time you took a peek at it? Reviewing your policies, re-writing out-of-date policy, etc., will save you from a world of hurt and headaches that could be in your near future. […]
The Other Types of Harassment Our last article, Sexual Harassment Training: How to Avoid Harassment, we dove into what can be considered sexual harassment, and what you can do as an employer to prevent that kind of behavior. It is extremely important to have a plan of action in the event of a sexual harassment issue, […]
Nevada employment law covers a broad spectrum of topics that include minimum wage, lunch/rest breaks, overtime, vacation/sick leave, voting/jury duty leave, and discrimination. Because there are so many hoops to jump through, you or your employer may be unknowingly (or knowingly) violating Nevada labor laws. Here are some common workplace law violations: Misclassification of Workers: […]
Ethics and Success Day-to-day, employees look to organizational leaders for guidance on operational and ethical matters. Although ethical theories have long-been discussed among philosophers, the topic has only recently made its way into business practice. The idea that it’s more important to be feared than loved as a leader no longer holds true. Modern trends […]