Did you know that the Nevada mask mandate is still in effect?
We have started getting calls from employers wanting to know if they can lift the requirement to wear masks in the workplace. Unfortunately, the answer is no. In the Governor’s last press conference, he made it clear that the mask mandate would remain in place even as control of COVID mitigation transitions to local authorities on May 1, 2021. This means that even though the state is moving towards opening at full capacity by June 1, masks will continue to be required in public settings regardless of company policy or what other mitigation measures a county implements.
As we continue to progress toward the reopening goal, employers need to keep policies consistent. All business have the “face masks required” signage posted, but some have been relaxing their standards. OSHA is still investigating workplaces to ensure compliance with COVID mandates and people can still file complaints for lack of compliance and potential safety risks. In fact, the most recent Nevada OSHA complaints almost all address the lack of enforcement of face masks for employees and customers. These complaints lead to more oversight from OSHA, increased inspections, and possible fines.
If employers need assistance with a mask policy, we can assist with that. Members can download our sample mask policy from our Member Portal. If they need guidance on communicating with their team on the continued enforcement of masks, we can assist with that as well. At NAE, we strive to guide employers through situations like this, with advice that will keep them compliant with mandates and laws but still be respectful of their culture.
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