A new school year is upon us. In addition to school supplies, a new school year brings field trips, parent-teacher conferences, and a myriad of school activities in which parents like to or are required to participate. As such, it is a good time to review leave for school-related activities in Nevada.

Nevada law states that an employer shall grant leave to a parent, guardian, or custodian of a child who is enrolled in a public school for up to four (4) hours each school year to (1) attend parent-teacher conferences, (2) attend school-related activities during regular school hours, (3) volunteer or otherwise be involved in school activities during regular school hours, and (4) attend school-sponsored events. Any leave taken for these activities must be taken in increments of at least one (1) hour and must be at a time mutually agreed upon by the employer and employee. There is no requirement that this leave be paid.

An employer may require that an employee seeking school-related leave to provide a written request at least five (5) school days in advance. Further, employees may be required to provide documentation following the leave to confirm that the  leave was taken for one of the above stated reasons.

Employers with 50 or more employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current calendar year are subject to this provision of Nevada law.

Employers that are subject to this provision are prohibited from terminating, demoting, suspending or otherwise discriminating against an employee who takes leave for a school-related activity or threatens to do so pursuant to this provision of Nevada law. If an employer violates this provision, the employee may file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner.

Do you know all your obligations as a Nevada employer? The Nevada Association of Employers (NAE) is here to help. Our staff of HR professionals is equipped with the knowledge and experience to assist employers in navigating the often complex and sometimes contradictory employment-related statutes and regulations. Contact NAE today!

For more information about NAE and what we do for Nevada employers, visit our website. If you are a Nevada employer interested in membership, please contact membership@nevadaemployers.org or join today!