Why Use NAE for Human Resources Training?
One of the characteristics of a successful business is a well-trained staff. NAE offers businesses throughout the state of Nevada excellent human resources training courses designed to ensure businesses can develop and maintain an effective workforce. NAE offers training programs for HR professionals, managers, supervisors, and all other employees. NAE makes its programs available to members and non-members alike, but membership with NAE brings you these HR training courses at a discounted price.
NAE’s training programs include well-structured series, webinars, on-site training, special events, and panel discussions on a variety of relevant and timely topics for Nevada businesses. NAE also offers many free events as a benefit of membership with NAE.

Nevada Association of Employers has been recognized by HRCI & SHRM to offer recertification credit.
HR Training Formats Offered
On-Site Trainings
NAE offers a variety of topics that can be delivered right to your location. Depending on the topic your company chooses, the on-site training can range from 1 to 4 hours. We are happy to accommodate your needs whether it is at our business or yours.
NAE offers human resources training courses from the comfort and convenience of your own office. Webinars allow you to listen and discuss relevant topics with a subject matter expert without taking time away from the office. Webinars generally run 1 to 2 hours.
Structured Multi-Class Series
NAE’s most popular training programs are our structured supervisor training series. Our Supervisory Skills: The Fundamentals and Supervisory Skills: Advanced Skills each total 8 hours of excellent instructional content taught by NAE professionals and skilled training partners. Topics in these series include: discipline and discharge, performance management, conflict resolution, wage and hour, communication, workplace harassment, and more
Free Events
NAE partners with employment and labor law experts, federal and state agency representatives, and others to offer free events on a variety of topics. We aim to keep you informed on topics of the day and other important updates to ensure you and your business are in the loop. NAE continually updates its current training programs as well as offers new courses and events so you can get the most from your NAE membership.
Check out our Calendar for our latest human resources training offerings and special events. For more information about our programs, contact
Human Resources Training Topics
The Nevada Association of Employers is proud to offer a variety of training options for Nevada employers and supervisors. These course can aid employers and supervisors to better understand regulatory laws, how to troubleshoot uncomfortable supervisory situations, how to strengthen leadership skills, and so much more!
NAE makes it easy for Nevada employers to get the training they need for themselves and their employees. We offer many programming formats via webinar, at our NAE office and on-site (your office / warehouse / facility). Remember that we have the ability to travel to your location in Nevada, whatever that may be!
The cost of each course depends on several factors, including topic, location, duration and any requested modifications.
Once you have identified the type of training course you would like to attend, visit our Calendar to register. Don’t see an upcoming date for the session you want? No problem! Give us a call at (775) 329-4241, email us at or use our contact form to schedule a training session just for your business.
NAE offers the following HR training courses:

- Reasonable Suspicion Drug & Alcohol Testing
- Workplace Harassment
- Marijuana & The Workplace
- Supervisory Skills: The Fundamentals
- Supervisory Skills: BOOTCAMP
- Supervisory Skills: Advanced Skills
- SB312 – Paid Time Off in Nevada
- Human Resources Essentials
- Workplace Communication
- Fundamentals of FMLA
- HR 7-7-7 Webinar Series
- HR 7-7-7 Webinar Series: Difficult Issues in the Workplace
- Wage & Hour
- Webinar: NAE Member Benefits
- HR 101 for Business
- Managing Conflict in the Workplace
- Handling Wage Claims
- Setting Up & Maintaining Personnel Files
- Unemployment Administration
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- Friends, Fragrances & Fraud: How to Have Difficult Conversations
Don’t see the topic that you want covered? Contact us and let us know. Some of our most successful programs were developed in response to member and non-member solicitations.
Not a member yet? Calculate the cost to join NAE here.
Want to become a member? Sign up here.
As any employer knows, having a safe, healthy, and productive work environment is important to business success. Having employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the job poses serious health and safety risks. So, what should you do if you suspect that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at work? Reasonable suspicion drug testing is performed when there is evidence or reasonable cause to suspect an employee of drug use or alcohol misuse. Since reasonable suspicion drug testing is discretionary, it is important to have careful, comprehensive supervisor training to ensure consistent application across the workforce.
This training covers the signs and symptoms of drug use and alcohol misuse/abuse, best practices for conducting reasonable suspicion drug testing, and other drug testing issues, including the effect of the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in Nevada. At the end of the training, participants will have a better understanding of what to look for, how to document reasonable suspicion, and what steps to take to ensure the company can maintain a safe and productive environment.
Bullying and harassment continue to be issues pervading the workplace. With the #MeToo movement, there has been increased attention on sexual harassment by both employers—who want to avoid their own Harvey Weinstein scandal—and the regulators who enforce the laws governing discrimination in the workplace. This training provides an in-depth review of the laws applicable to workplace bullying and harassment, examples of what not to do based on recent court decisions, and best practices for handling complaints of workplace harassment.
Since 2012, 11 states plus Washington, DC have passed laws permitting the use of recreational marijuana. Nevada did so in 2017. Medical marijuana use is permitted in 33 states and Washington, DC. Nevada was one of the earliest states to allow medical marijuana use.
In the past, employers were able to rely on federal law in enforcing zero tolerance workplace drug policies. However, now that many states have legalized marijuana use for medical and/or recreational purposes and provided some sort of protection for marijuana users, employers are faced with a quandary when it comes to their workplace drug policies.
- Do you include marijuana on a pre-employment drug screen? Should you test for it at all?
- What do you do when someone tests positive for marijuana during a random drug test?
- Should you revise your drug testing policy to address medical marijuana?
Let us help you clear the haze. This training covers the latest developments in state and federal law regarding medical and recreational marijuana, including the newest prohibition related to pre-employment drug testing; discuss what rights and obligations employers have related to marijuana; and provide guidance on how to address common employer issues.
The Supervisory Skills: The Fundamentals training series is designed for current supervisors/managers as well as those employees slated for supervisory positions in the future. Topics in this training series include: discipline and discharge, workplace harassment, employment law, wage & hour, performance management, and reasonable suspicion.
The employment law module provides an overview of the following major employment laws: Equal Pay Act, Title VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), ADA Amendments Act, Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), and Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
The workplace harassment module provides an in-depth review of the laws applicable to workplace bullying and sexual harassment.
The discipline and discharge module provides guidance regarding employee discipline and discharge, including types of disciplinary action, documenting discipline, and best practices.
The reasonable suspicion module provides an overview of reasonable suspicion drug testing, including the indicators of drug use and alcohol abuse.
The performance management module provides guidance on employee performance, including communicating employee performance expectations and providing feedback.
At the end of the series, attendees will have an understanding of the laws applicable to their roles as supervisors and/or managers and what best practices are in each of the topic areas.
TRAINING DURATION: 8 hours; 4 sessions at 2 hours each session
Supervisory Skills: BOOTCAMP is a comprehensive training program designed to address the areas that affect Nevada businesses the most. This one-day intensive training bootcamp covers the essentials—what supervisors/managers need to know to mitigate the risks of running a business and managing employees.
At the conclusion of the training bootcamp, participants will have greater insight into their roles as supervisors/managers within the organization, a deeper understanding of the laws applicable to employers in Nevada, and best practices in dealing with some of the most difficult situations supervisors/managers face.
Supervisory Skills: BOOTCAMP is designed for current supervisors/managers, newer HR professionals, small business owners, and anyone else who would like a better understanding of the rights and obligations of being an employer in Nevada.
Topics covered in this intensive training bootcamp include employment law, workplace harassment, discipline and discharge, and reasonable suspicion.
Our Supervisory Skills: Advanced Skills four-week training series explores the supervisory “soft skills,” including leadership, team building, communication, and conflict resolution.
The leadership module focuses on the various leadership styles, including the strengths of each leadership style as well as discusses the traits in each leadership style that derail supervisors from high performance, and the contexts in which each leadership style works best. Participants will take a leadership style assessment to determine which style they fall into.
The team building module provides perspective on the diversity of your workforce and how to facilitate engagement of diverse team members on projects. This module includes demonstrations of team building exercises.
The communication module focuses on effective communication with and among employees, including the importance of listening for supervisors. Participants will identify their own listening style and review the strengths and weaknesses of each style. This module will also go over communication-related anxiety and ways to reduce anxiety in meetings and presentations.
The conflict resolution module focuses on the sources of workplace conflict and conflict handling styles. This module will include practice with communication strategies that have been proven to help resolve conflicts between employees.
TRAINING DURATION: 8 hours; 4 sessions at 2 hours each session
In the past, private employers in Nevada were under no obligation to provide paid leave. That has changed with SB312. Beginning January 1, 2020, certain Nevada employers (those with 50 or more employees) are required to provide employees with at least 0.01923 hours of paid leave for each hour worked. As with any new law, there are many questions on how this law will apply and to whom. Let NAE help you navigate SB312 and understand your rights and obligations as an employer.
This training will cover:
- Who is a qualifying employer?
- Who is an eligible employee?
- What are your options for providing leave?
- What exceptions apply and to whom?
- What are the requirements around employee use of leave?
- What happens upon separation from employment? What if an employee is reinstated?
Whether your company currently provides paid time off for employees or is looking to implement a policy based on SB312, you can benefit from the guidance provided in this training.
Human Resources Essentials is a four-session series covering the life cycle of employment—from interviewing and hiring to termination and unemployment. This series is designed for those who are new to human resources as well as seasoned HR professionals who want to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date.
Keeping organizations in compliance is a necessary and constant challenge. This series will address that challenge by providing practical knowledge and best practices for handling the major areas of the employment life cycle.
Interviewing & Hiring – This module covers best practices for the hiring process to ensure the interview, selection, and offer of employment are done in compliance with relevant state and federal law.
I-9 Compliance – This module covers all that is required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), including verifying the identity and employment authorization through Form I-9. Attendees will learn best practices for completing the Form I-9 as well as common mistakes employers make in completing the Form I-9 and the consequences of failing to verify identity and employment authorization properly.
FMLA & ADA / Leaves of Absence – This module covers the various reasons for leave encountered during employment, including what protections exist for employees and employers, and how to handle leave in compliance with the law. This module will primarily focus on leave taken pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Other types of leave will also be discussed.
Unemployment Administration – This module covers how to administer unemployment to ensure a positive outcome. Attendees will learn the entire unemployment process—from the moment a former employee files a claim through an appeal to the Board of Review (and everything in between). This module will also address best practices for proper documentation to ensure employers can present the best case possible if and when a claim is filed.
At the end of the series, attendee will understand best practices for conducting each stage of the employment life cycle to ensure they remain in compliance.
TRAINING DURATION: 8 hours; 4 sessions at 2 hours each session
How we communicate in the workplace is important not only for ensuring a productive and efficient workplace, but also for avoiding the legal pitfalls that can arise out of bad workplace communication habits — like gossip. Discussing what might seem like harmless topics can result in liability — whether true or false, whether written or spoken.
This training covers the types of confidential information in the workplace, the dangers of workplace gossip (cultural and legal), the legal implications of not addressing these bad workplace communication habits, and how to avoid them.
The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides eligible employees with job-protected leave in certain circumstances.
Employers often find it difficult to administer because it’s requirements can be confusing and eligibility is not always clear. It’s important for employers to understand FMLA and their responsibilities because failing to administer it properly can expose the organization to significant legal liability.
This training will break it down to its fundamentals; making it easy to understand and (hopefully) easier to administer.
Topics Covered
- Eligible employees
- Qualifying reasons for leave
- Military FMLA leave
- Intermittent vs. continuous leave
- Employer & employee notice requirements
- Job restoration
- Certification & fitness for duty
- Prohibited employment actions
- and more!
Who Should Attend
- HR professionals
- Managers & Supervisors
- Company leadership
This three-part webinar series addresses the three most important areas of HR—hiring, leaves of absence, and termination. Each 90-minute webinar will cover the seven key issues of each area that you need to know and will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a discussion with the presenter and fellow webinar participants.
This webinar series is taught by subject matter experts, including employment law attorneys and HR professionals with over 30 years of experience.
HIRING – The 7 Do’s & Don’ts
LEAVES OF ABSENCE – The 7 Types and Their Pitfalls
TERMINATION – The 7 Steps Before You Terminate
Whether you are new to HR or find many of your job duties involve HR, this three-part webinar series is for you. Don’t gamble with your HR knowledge. Register today!
TRAINING DURATION: 4.5 hours; 3 sessions at 1.5 hours per session
This three-part webinar series addresses three common, but often difficult to address issues in the workplace—social media, sensitivity awareness, and workplace violence. Each 60-minute webinar will cover how to handle the difficult issues surrounding the use of social media in the workplace, sensitivity towards customers and co-workers, and recognizing, defusing, and responding to workplace violence.
This three-part webinar series is designed for HR professionals, but everyone—from company management to front line managers—can benefit from the information provided by our subject matter experts.
TRAINING DURATION: 3 hours; 3 session at 1 hour per session
Do you understand Nevada’s two-tier minimum wage? Are you providing your employees with their required meal and rest breaks? Do you know when overtime applies to your employees and when it does not? Are you a little unsure when you have you provide the final paycheck to an employee who quits versus one that you terminate? This training will cover all of that and more. This is an area where employers can get themselves into trouble and its easily preventable. Join us if you are new to HR or want a refresher to ensure you are doing everything you should be doing.
Do you know everything you get with NAE membership? Most people know about our Legal Hotline, but NAE offers many other products and services that are valuable to Nevada businesses. Are you utilizing all the resources that NAE makes available? Find out by attending this 30-minute webinar.
Learn how to take advantage of all of the great benefits that come with NAE membership, including accessing sample forms, policies, job descriptions, etc. through our Member Portal, participating in our surveys to get valuable pay and benefits data, discounted access to training and special events, and so much more!
Learn the basics of human resources — from culture to compliance.
Knowing the basics of HR is important to ensuring the business runs efficiently and in compliance with the law. During this training you will find out the answers to questions like: What is culture? Why have an employee handbook? What goes into a personnel file (and what shouldn’t)? Why documentation is important?
This training is for those who are new to HR or those who find that many of their job duties involve HR.
Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable — especially in a leadership role. You can try and avoid it (which is not recommended), but you cannot escape it. The ability to recognize conflict, understand the nature of conflict, and to be able to bring about a quick resolution to conflict will serve you well.
This workshop will provide you with the skills needed to effectively manage conflict in the workplace. This workshop delves into the types of conflict we encounter in the workplace and provides practical guides for assessing and dealing with real life conflict situations. Applying existing tools and established processes, workshop participants will learn how to address conflict when it occurs and prevent conflict in the future, including how to be a respectful, neutral, and supportive moderator of workplace conflicts.
This workshop is designed for supervisors/managers, HR professionals, or any other employee who finds themselves dealing with conflict in the workplace — whether it involves other employees or themselves.
You have received a wage claim from a former employee alleging that you haven’t paid him/her appropriately or timely. Do you know what to do next? Do you know what your rights and obligations are? This training will cover everything you need to know about handling a wage and hour claim–from responding to the initial allegations to participating in a hearing before the Labor Commissioner (should it ever get that far). NAE wants you to be prepared.
When was the last time you did an audit of your personnel files? Are you unsure what you should be maintaining in personnel files and for how long? Are there things in your personnel files that shouldn’t be in there or should be maintained somewhere else? This webinar will help you sort out the good, the bad, and the ugly of personnel file maintenance. We want to make sure your files are set up correctly and that they stay that way.
You have received an unemployment claim from a former employee. Do you know what to do next? Do you know what your rights and obligations are? This training will cover everything you need to know about handling unemployment claims, including best practices to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. This training is designed for members who handle their own unemployment as well as those who participate in our unemployment administration program.
Maintaining a safe working environment can be a challenge. Workplace violence is increasingly in the headlines and its affects can be felt across the business. This training is presented to help employers learn how to prevent workplace violence before it occurs and react to it if and when it happens. Join us to learn how to keep your employees safe in the workplace.
Some conversations are difficult. How do you approach an employee who has a hygiene issue that is interfering with work? What is the best way to discipline a subordinate that you consider a friend? What do you do when you find out that one of your best employees lied on their employment application? Most employers know what they cannot say or do legally in these situations, but do not know how to have these conversations practically.
Don’t avoid addressing these issues because you do not know the best way to approach them.
This training is designed to give managers, HR professionals, and business owners practical tips and tricks based on real life scenarios that NAE has been asked to address. We want to help you handle these tricky situations in the best way possible. We want you to avoid legal liability and maintain positive employee relations.
Employee relations can be hard – we get that. Let us help you make it easier.
Don’t see the topic that you want covered? Contact us and let us know. Some of our most successful trainings were developed in response to member and non-member solicitations.
Not a member yet? Calculate the cost to join NAE here.
Want to become a member? Sign up here.
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